The field of Aesthetics is always expanding, whether in overall sales, new product interest, or the latest technology. An increased interest in this industry means trends and new models of doing things are always in the mouth of consumers and as a beauty professional, it becomes your primary goal to stay on “trend”. In 2021 Beauty is all about experimenting, implementing new smart technology while making sure you are looking after the environment. We have outlined the rising trends beauty professionals need to have an eye on top to promote the health and beauty of the skin.

Plant-based and Vegan Products
It is easy to understand the vegan diet, the concept of vegan skincare can be a bit confusing. Consumers are becoming more concerned with the type of ingredients found in their products. Vegan and plant-based products have the same benefits as a vegan diet in terms of reducing environmental damage and promoting kindness towards animals but they can also also be beneficial towards our skin and cater to a new market that is projected to be worth billions of Rands by 2025. To get involved in this growing market, beauty professionals should consider adding new vegan and plant-based products to their catalogue and generate early growth within the industry.
Maskne Treatments
With the global pandemic, the majority of the world had to wear a mask while out in public. This affected some more than others. Since the mask is on the face for long hours, it affects your skin. The terms ‘maskne’ was adopted in 2020 due to the rise in breakouts caused by the mask.
Adapting and developing new products that assist in healing the affected skin has been one of the biggest trends since 2020. This will bring searchers, inquiries, and new clientele to your business.