Often with graphic liner in Professional makeup, people find it easier to create sharper lines and more dynamic looks with liquid eyeliner as opposed to pencil.

Start simple- It can be super tempting to go all in with a super intricate or bold look on your first try, but often, this can lead to disappointment. Like any makeup look, the trick is to BUILD. 

Try different shapes- Graphic liner in HEALTH AND SKINCARE / SOMATOLOGY / BEAUTY AND NAILS / HAIR AND BEAUTY / COSMETOLOGY / PROFESSIONAL MAKE-UP ARTISTRY is aptly named, as the shapes of the liner tend to be unique and different to classic liner. 

Whether you are trying out alternative wing styles, inner eye corner work or liner designs surrounding the entire eye in squiggles and whirls, don’t be afraid to get creative with your shapes. 

Don’t fear messing up -The fear of failure can make us stop before we have even tried, especially when it comes to makeup. It can be frustrating when we don’t instantly master the perfect wing or lined lip, but makeup is an art, and with every bit of practice, we expand our skills. So mess up! 

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