Being at home and in isolation has had its pros and cons. Most people have made the most of being creative whilst at home, during the pandemic. Over the last couple of months, we have learned to try and do most things by our lonesome, paid haircuts were replaced by handheld mirrors and rechargeable hair clippers, paid manicures resulted in makeshift DIY treatments, and the list goes on.
The same can be said about growing eyebrow hairs and lash hairs using inexpensive household products. This blog will take you through the process of creating your own lash/brow serum. Our first year of health and skincare course includes the subject cosmetic science which provides an insight of natural ingredients used in cosmetics as well as their functions and uses. Having this knowledge will allow you to become creative in the salon or spa and produce your own range of products for your clients.

Don’t spend you last Rands on beauty products that can be made at home with the same ingredients

Here are some of the few ingredients that can be used individually and collectively to create effective lash serums from home.

  • Castor Oil

  • Coconut Oil

  • Egg Yoke

  • Olive Oil


But how do I know which other home -made products produce the best and most effective serums.

Well, I’m so glad you asked that question, what is important to note is the vitamins each product. For example, since lemons are rich in vitamin-B, vitamin-C, folic acid, and other vital nutrients, they make your eyebrow hair grow much faster than any other ingredient.

Rub a piece of lemon onto your eyebrows. Allow it to sit for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. You can even put the lemon peels into ¼ cup of pure coconut oil. Let the mixture sit for 15 days. Once ready, you can apply this onto your brows using cotton bud every night prior to sleeping. Wash off the next morning. Do not expose your brows to sunlight for two hours after applying this remedy, as it can lighten its natural colour.

Other notable examples are included but not limited to:

The one household product I have used on the regular and recommended to clients alike, is onion juice. It contains high quantities of sulfur, selenium, minerals, B vitamins and C vitamins which are very good for hair growth. This helps to speed up growth and improve the density of the brow hair. Sulfur increases the production of collagen tissues required for proper eyebrow growth. Also, it strengthens the hair follicles. As onion has a pungent smell, it is best to use lemon juice to remove all traces of the smell. Apply onion juice to your eyebrows every alternate day.

Do this by chopping the onion into pieces and place in a blender to make a paste. Strain and keep the juice. Using a cotton bud, apply the juice on your eyebrows. Keep it on for an hour. Wipe off with a cotton ball soaked in diluted lemon juice.

Added Tips to Grow Eyebrows

1. Eat Biotin rich foods

Biotin is a vitamin that helps hair growth. You should eat eggs, avocados, salmon and peanuts for a natural treatment of hair loss.

2. Use eyebrow and eyelash serum

Brow serum is a product that is made to stimulate growth of hair follicles above the eye. Some of the best serums contain peptides as ingredients that make hair grow quickly.

3. Avoid wearing makeup

Aggressive face makeup can slow down the growth of your eyebrows.

4. Avoid applying lotions and creams

Lotions and creams block hair follicles. This prevents the natural growing process of the hair and prevents your eyebrows from growing out long and healthy.

5. Massage your eyebrows

Massage your eyebrows regularly. Massage therapy improves blood circulation around the eyebrow area. This further improves the supply of nutrients.

6. Comb to stimulate hair growth

Brushing hair has its own benefits. Brushing hair helps in stimulating the blood capillaries, thereby increasing the blood circulation and transportation of nutrients and oxygen to the stem, root and bulb of the hair.

7. Drink Water

Water is good for your overall health. It helps remove all the toxic substance from your body through urine. Start drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. This will enhance your body system and improve hair growth.

8. Include vitamins B and D

This is important as it affects your internal organs and your physical appearance.

9. Eat foods rich in vitamins B and D to improe hair growth

It will help you grow strong eyelashes and eyebrows that will be able to combat the harmful effects of chemical-based products like mascara and eyeliner.

10. Avoid over – plucking

Plucking and waxing your eyebrows damages the hair follicle eternally, preventing hair from growing back ever, therefore it’s suggested that one refrains from over- plucking.

Im Conclusion

To Conclude, there’s no rule book that emphasises or proves the quickness in growth. Constantly following the same regimen  will work in your favour to see gradual results. 

Blog entry no.2

Fulfilled by KE. Mophuthing

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