Why does our hair split?
Most people at one time or another will experience split ends, especially people who have dry, chemically treated, colored, or damaged hair. To understand why your hair experiences this condition, it is important to understand the hair structure.

Let’s have a quick look at the anatomy of the hair.
You have probably heard about hair follicles and pores, but did you know that these two are one and the same? A lot of our pores don’t actually have hair growing out of them, but each one has a hair follicle within it. So, these pores, or hair follicles, anchor each strand of hair all over the body. These visible strands of hair are known as the hair shaft and have three layers: the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla. The cuticle is made up of layers of dead cells that lay on top of one another to protect and strengthen the hair shaft. The cortex, found just beneath the cuticle, gives our hair its thickness and color. The thinnest, an innermost layer called the medulla, is in the center of your hair shaft. To keep your hair healthy and strong, you need to keep the outer layers of your hair in the best shape possible.
So why do split ends occur?
In HAIRDRESSING /COSMETOLOGY split ends, also known as Trichoptilosis, are simply a form of hair damage that results from mechanical stress. Mechanical stress may occur from friction, grooming, and styling. That means heat from your flat iron or the blow dryer, chemical treatments, brushing your hair, using rubber bands to tie up your hair, and even harsh climate conditions. Most people tend to notice the very tips of their hair-splitting when they are overdue for a haircut.
How can I treat split ends?
In HAIRDRESSING / COSMETOLOGY the best way to get rid of split ends is to have a good trim. If you want to wait a bit longer until your next haircut, you can try this tip: treat the strands by applying a leave-in conditioning cream. The trick is to start about midway down the hair shaft and apply all the way to the ends, keep away from the scalp as it will make your hair oily. Then, blow dry your hair on low heat, stop just before the hair feels dry, about 75% dry. The goal is to leave in a little moisture. This will smooth the cuticle and give you a healthy shine.

Are there any other methods?
- Dry your hair gently!
Vigorous rubbing with a towel can lead to friction, tangles, and broken strands, so dry with a gentle hand. You can also try switching to a microfiber or terry cloth towel created specifically for absorbing moisture.
- Tie hair back with care
Constantly having your hair pulled back can cause a lot of damage if you are using rubber bands. Try hair ties made of nylon or cloth instead of rubber, this will reduce the pulling and breaking of the hair.
- Give your hair some time off from heat and chemicals
In the same way that we need to unwind our minds and bodies from time to time, our hair can also truly benefit from a break occasionally. Giving your hair some time off from heat and chemical treatments can keep the cuticle hydrated and in its best shape. This will, in turn, reduce split ends as well as dryness and overall damage.
- Keep your scalp healthy
While those splitting ends may be far tips of our tresses, hair health begins with scalp health. While it’s important to keep your scalp clean, take care not to over-wash, which will lead to more shampooing and ultimately, dryer strands. When it’s time to wash, keep the suds on your scalp, and save the conditioning for the ends.
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