What Carboxytherapy can do for you?
Carboxytherapy (Carbon Dioxide Therapy) is fast becoming the leading skin rejuvenation treatment. It is safe and minimally invasive. It is a clinically proven method to rejuvenate, restore, and recondition the skin. In
HEALTH AND SKINCARE / SOMATOLOGY / AESTHETICS carboxytherapy can be used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles under the eyes, loose crêpe skin, cellulite, resistant fat, stretch marks, scars, and
even hair loss.

How does it work?
Carboxytherapy involves injecting very small amounts of Carbon dioxide (CO²) beneath the
skin to break down fatty deposits and stimulate collagen production. The treatment has no downtime, and each session can take anything between fifteen minutes to an hour to complete. Carboxytherapy infuses CO² just beneath the skin’s surface; the body interprets this as an oxygen deficit and response by providing a surge of oxygen and nutrients to the treated area. This improves circulation, resulting in cell restoration. This increased oxygen concentration can also improve oedema.
HEALTH AND SKINCARE / SOMATOLOGY / AESTHETICS clinics or Medi spas offer carboxytherapy treatments which have many effects on the skin for example:
• In the dermis the effect will increase blood flow, and stimulate collagen production which in turn will soften fine lines and wrinkles. A decrease in dark circles under the eye is also seen and the treatment also assists in stimulating hair growth.
• For fat reduction, the heated gas at high volume is introduced deep into the fat which then breaks up the fat cell and stimulates new vessels and rejuvenation.
• For cellulite reduction, a lymph drainage treatment increases the circulation to the area, thereby reducing the build-up of toxins which is a major cause of cellulite. When the gas is introduced into the dermis, it breaks down the superficial fat which creates a dimpled effect on the skin and stimulates dermal collagen levels. This all leads to improved skin texture and of course the appearance of the orange peel effect.
• For stretchmarks, this is the only treatment available for both old and new stretchmarks. It visibly repairs broken collagen and is safe for all skin types. Carboxytherapy stimulates the formation of new collagen, and this plumps up and thickens the skin, to improve the appearance of the stretchmarks by rebuilding the collagen matrix.
Can all skin types be safely treated with Carboxytherapy?
Carboxytherapy safely treats all skin types without significant pain or downtime. It can reduce centimeters on specific areas that are treated and the appearance of cellulite is noticeably improved in only 6 to 12 treatments. It is recommended to do each treatment one week apart.
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