Dermaplaning is a cosmetic treatment used in the field of SOMATOLOGY/HEALTH AND SKINCARE/AESTHETICS; it is a skin procedure that removes hair and dead skin cells from your face using an exfoliating blade. It is also known as blading or microplaning.
With dermaplaning, you can achieve a smooth, glowing, and youthful skin surface. This procedure works best and gets rid of uneven pockmarks on your skin and deep acne scars. The short, soft hairs on your face known as “peach fuzz” are also removed with it when this treatment is conducted.

In SOMATOLOGY/HEALTH AND SKINCARE/AESTHETICS, therapists used this treatment to treat anyone with any type of skin, including those with:
- dull skin
- dry skin,
- sun-damaged skin,
- fine wrinkles
- acne scars
You might notice that the tool used for dermaplaning procedures resembles a razor you might use to shave your body hair. Dermaplaning and shaving share the same fundamental principles. You can get rid of dead cells, scar tissue, and other debris that might be causing the surface of your skin to look uneven by slowly dragging a sterile blade across your skin at a 45-degree angle.
Every day, harsh environmental toxins, irritants, and sun damage are exposed to your skin. Your skin’s outermost layer may appear dull as a result, which may age you. When you dermaplane, those damaged skin cells are removed, revealing newer skin cells when you look in the mirror.
Therapists in SOMATOLOGY/ HEALTH AND SKINCARE/AESTHETICS advise that results will differ per individual. Everyone experiences different outcomes, making it challenging to determine whether a given course of treatment will be effective or not.
You shouldn’t experience any pain while having your skin dermaplaned. Throughout the procedure, you might experience a tingling sensation. You’ll initially lie down on your provider’s chair in a tidy, welcoming space. A numbing spray, local anesthesia combined with an oral sedative, or, less frequently, general anesthesia are common sedation options. Once you’re at ease, your therapist qualified in SOMATOLOGY/HEALTH AND SKINCARE/AESTHETICS will use a manual or electronic dermaplaning tool to scrape your skin at a 45-degree angle. Typically, your provider will continue exfoliating the skin gently for 20 to 30 minutes.