Laser mixing is a multi-layered approach to tackling different skin concerns. Laser mixing allows SOMATOLOGY / HEALTH AND SKINCARE / BEAUTY AND NAIL TECHNOLOGY / AESTHETICS / COSMETOLOGY therapists to treat all areas of the skin in one session. These treatments must be performed safely by an expert in the field.

Some of the skin imperfections that can successfully be treated with the mixed laser approach include:

Acne breakouts

Varicolored pigmentation

Flare-up of rosacea

After a mixed laser treatment, the overall health of the skin will be stronger and more resilient.

Laser technology is far more effective than traditional SOMATOLOGY / HEALTH AND SKINCARE / BEAUTY AND NAIL TECHNOLOGY / AESTHETICS / COSMETOLOGY treatments, such as peels or micro-needling. It is of the utmost importance that the person carrying out the treatments is experienced. Effective fractional, non-ablative devices, delivering energy in columns and not destroying the top layer of skin, have allowed safer treatments in the skin of color.

Non-invasive and non-abrasive, this is a trend look forward to in 2023!

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