Tattooing dates back to the early biblical years and was done to represent different tribes origins and cultures. Markings on the body were etched carefully to add design appeal and direction of a way with living. It served to encompass and represent all origins of life amongst many early nations. It has come a long way from being done in unsanitary dusty alleys and dark dungeons of the 

1950’s and 70’s, to the more modern times of the first half of the twenty first century. On the contrary the medium of tattooing has transformed along with the various technologies and modern standards required to make it into a multimillion industry it is today. This opening blog will attempt to take you on a seamless journey of how tattooing has become an elegant and acceptable form of art and its own industry hub. For example, needles and handmade stippling rotation devices were roughly made to pierce the skin and allow for ink fluids to settle into the first parts and layers of the skin, with the hope that ink will stay smudged in the crevice’ of the skin. 

Most people still continued the excruciating exercise of tattooing despite the complications that came with it.

For instance;

  • Severe ink poisoning

  • Skin infections

  • Cross contamination

  • And mostly – my personal favourite – blow outs.

Fast forward to today’s times and modern ways of doing things. Hygienic practices being implemented and maintained, coupled with state-of-the-art meter readings and stunning tattoo machines. Comes in a world of possibilities for this art form that is forever improving and growing this niche of an industry


The Differences Between the Rotary and the Coil

Both the rotary tattoo machine and the coil tattoo machine can be used to create great tattoos but they offer two different methods. A coil tattoo machine relies on an electromagnetic current to drive the armature bar while the rotary uses a more gentle process. The coil is perhaps the most common of the two and can be found in most tattoo shops.

Noise Output

One of the main differences apart from the method is the noise output. Rotary tattoo machines are fairly quiet when compared to the coil which
emits a loud buzzing sound. This is simply because the inner mechanics of the rotary machine are simpler, while the coil machine emits a constant clicking sound due to the armature bar being released.


The rotary machine is more versatile as it can be used for both lines and shading. The coil tattoo machine can only be used for one or the other

Needle Range

Another thing that must be taken into account when choosing a tattoo machine is needle range. A rotary tattoo machine has a more fluid needle movement however the coil uses a choppier movement.

Pros and Cons of Rotary and Coil Tattoo Machines

The rotary machine is quite simple to use and is less damaging to the skin, but it lacks the punch and recoil that you get with a coil machine and as a result it isn’t as effective with larger needles. The rotary is loved for being low maintenance and its fast needle movement, but shading tends to be easier with a coil machine.

In conclusion

With what was once a caved and hidden form of art, – mostly frowned upon medium – tattooing has grown in leaps and bounds whilst stats provided by IBIS indicates that in pure numbers, the average industry growth from 2016–2021: has been 3.2%. Over the five years to 2020, seemingly showing steady growth and a need for the consumer to undertake such a practice. Blog entry number 1 Fulfilled by KE. Mophuthing  
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