Properly planning the starter bag tends to be very difficult, and to choose the products that will work well for the artist will affect the quality of work. We would like to present in a very simple and accessible way an absolute must have starter bag for every person who is starting out as a beginner eyelash extension artist

A survey to carry out the procedure

The basis for starting work with the client. Thanks to the survey, the customer receives the lash artist as a trustworthy and professional artist and has security and confidence to start working with the client. The survey is conducted together with the client, presenting and analysing any contraindication to the procedure or the situation when the effect may not be maintained or not be satisfactory for the client.

The survey should include information about the procedure:

  • Customer’s personal and contact details
  • Absolute contraindications for the procedure
  • Information about allergies
  • Situations when the lash application may not come out well or will not remain in a good condition (hormonal changes, work in rooms with steam and moisture, etc.)
  • Consent to use images for marketing purposes
  • A brief description of the procedure
  • Additional information from the lash artist (eg. price list)
  • Cleaning foam for eyelashes

Appropriate preparation of eyelashes begins with the client’s eye makeup removal. The best product is Chrissanthie Eyelid & Lash Cleanser with Tea Tree. The client should wash eyelashes thoroughly at home before their lash appointment, or make-up removers / protein remover can be used by the lash artist using Lip Gloss Wands. It is very important that the eyelashes are thoroughly rinsed with water from the remainder of the make-up / protein remover product before arriving for their lash appointment.


The stylist should have products for disinfection of hands, surfaces and tools in her trunk. The tweezers should be stored in a plastic box or it is acceptable to store clean disinfected peels in a case.

We recommend disposable small wipes (Alcohol Pads) to clean the application tools

Disposable Products (caps, masks, gloves, micro-brush applicators, eye pads)

Securing the workplace, head, hair and forehead of the client is the basis for a clean and professional work area of the artist. The bed should have a disposable underlay (paper, fleece or liner).

Products for degreasing and preparing eyelashes must be disposable:

Micro-brush Applicators (ideal for cleaning the space between eyelashes, they can be easily bent to get into inter-row gaps)

Lip Gloss Wands (larger, ideal for degreasing and applying remover on eyelashes)

Wooden spatulas (perfect for draining excess amount of degreasing product, we apply them under natural eyelashes so that the product does not get into the eye of the client)


A one-time apron is not required for the eyelash application; however it is always worth having a cosmetic or tied back fabric. This proves our professionalism and cleanliness in the workplace.

Client comfort (pillow and blanket)

During the application, the client may be cold, it would be important for the client to feel comfortable during the treatment because her body will cool down while lying down. A client’s pillow should be placed under the neck (like our Ergonomic Lash Pillow). A well-shaped pillow should support the client’s neck and slightly tilt the head back, be soft and the sides of the pillow higher to allow the stylist lay down her application tools on the sides.

Protecting the lower eyelashes ( eye pads, tapes)

A lot depends on the protection of the lower eyelashes. Properly taped bottom eyelashes will protect the client from unwanted gluing of eyelashes, red and irritated eyes and will also prevent the client from watering during application. The protection of the lower eyelashes can be done in the open eyes (the client looks ahead, not too high up, because later the petal can move above the waterline) or in closed eyes (this is my favorite way of securing the lower eyelashes I teach my students on each It eliminates tearing and clenching the eyes of the client, fear of stylist’s hands and “entering” the petal on the waterline of the eye). To protect eyelashes we will use:

Lint Free Gel Eyepads

Transpore Tape – with less glue than the “pharmacy” tape. Perfectly holds the eye pads and secures the space between the eye pads and the eyelash waterline. Also works well for working with corners

 Eyelash extensions glue

We chose eyelash glue based on 3 factors: temperature, humidity and pace of the stylist’s work. For beginners, we recommend the Standard Bond SKY Glue, then for the more advanced artists for achieving optimal work rate we recommend the Ultra Bond SKY Glue.

Preparation of the glue (glue, slide, plastic stickers, box for holding the glue/ insulation bags )

The glue drops should be poured onto the glass / jade stone, on which there is a sticker thanks to which the drop of glue will retain its properties for a longer time. We store glue in special heat-insulating bags or vacuum boxes (it’s worth pouring in a few grains of rice).

Eyelash Extensions Tweezers

Each stylist’s tweezers are individually selected based on length, curvature, style, pressure and colors

Simple tweezers – dedicated to the separation of eyelashes

Isolation Tweezers – dedicated to the separation of eyelashes (has a bend on the convexity of the eyelid)

Curved tweezers – ideal for applying artificial eyelashes to natural ones, it can be created by fans for volumetric techniques

Eyelashes (thicknesses, turns, lengths)

Each stylist should offer eyelashes of various thicknesses, turns and lengths.

Classic lashes: 0.15 or 0.20mm thickness lashes

3D – 6D Pre-Fanned Lashes – 0.07 or 0.10mm thickness lashes


8mm for internal corners

9-14 mm for gluing the right part of the eye, paste the longer eyelashes in exceptional cases

Curls:Eyelash Extensions Curl Types Chart

Softer/Lessor (B-Curl and J -Curl) twist that replicates the natural turn of eyelashes. Perfect for eyelashes growing up, or natural effects

Medium (C-Curl) Standard International Curl for a western shaped eye. The most versatile twist, ideal for eyelashes growing straight

Strong (CC-Curl) curled up, lifting the eye. Ideal for eyelashes growing down to cover the falling eyelid, lift the outer corners or correct the sad eye effect

Very strong (D-Curl) The most overclocked turn creating the Doll Eye effect. Perfect for eyelashes growing down

Additional products (Nano Mister, Coating Sealant)

Completion of the application should be comfortable for the client.

A Nano Mister is a small handheld device which sprays a controlled micro-mist of water from it’s nozzle. It is used in the lash extension application process after the extensions have been attached to the natural lashes, effectively curing the eyelash extension adhesive, and to cool the eye of the client to prevent tearing when the client’s eye is opened too quickly. Clients will experience less irritation from the adhesives. We recommend filling the Nano Mister with deionized water.

A Coating Sealant like the ‘Black Diamond’ by BLINK Coating Sealant offers a thicker, more vivid look and perfect for completing your eyelash extension application. This product not only increases bonding strength, extending the life of the lashes but it also leaves a lovely glossy finish. The Sealant dries with a black tint and protects the lashes from oil, moisture and dust. It is good for daily use. Great product for you as an “at home” after care product. The Crystal Drop CLEAR Coating Sealant is one of the best after care eyelash extension product on the market. This great coating sealant protects the adhesive from any kind of degradation and also holds the lashes into position.

Calendar of visits

At the end of the visit, it is worth giving the client a pass, in which we will mark the next appointment. You can add information about the promotion, your contact details, etc. Such a card requires the client to appear on the next visit.

It is worth to run your calendar, in which we mark not only information about the date of the visit and the client’s phone number, but also record in it:

Glue used

Length, thickness, turn and type of eyelashes used

The modelling effect

Information leaflet for a client from a eyelash stylist

Each client should receive an information leaflet on which he will find the most necessary information about the care of eyelashes, not plucking and picking in eyelashes and their daily cleaning.

The client should also find there contact information for the stylist and what to do in the case of allergy or incontinence.



Storing equipment, eyelashes and tools in one place allows the stylist to work on the move. Eyelash Extensions Kit Bags and Mini Cases are available in various colors and sizes.


A bed for a stylist eyelash

The height of the bed should be set so that the client would have her head at the height of the stylist’s chest. If we work in a cosmetic chair and the area within the head is too small, you can turn the bed and arrange the client so that the head is in line with the legs. The stylist should sit in a position to relieve the spine, without tugging and crossing legs.


A chair for the lash artist

According to physiotherapists, the healthiest is sitting on “saddle” or “kneeling” chairs. Cosmetic chairs are often subversive and unprepared, which makes the lumbar spine even more problematic. The chair should be stable, reasonably hard and require working in the straightening position of the spine.


Lamp for eyelash extensions application

Lighting at work should be bright, not glaring in the eyes, preferably white or slightly yellow light. The lamp should not heat up and create shadow-free conditions for work. We do not work with table / desk lamps. Below are the most recommended salon lights


In order to cure trigger points and muscular knots, trigger pointing is a useful technique. Pointing at a trigger facilitates pain relief and muscular relaxation. Soft tissues develop trigger points over time.

Stress on muscle fibres can arise as a result of acute trauma, overuse, or recurrent micro trauma. Trigger points—muscular knots—can result from this. The best method for treating inactive trigger points is trigger pointing, which relieves symptoms.

The muscular knot is another name for a trigger point. A region of constricted muscle fibres that might be extremely sensitive is known as a trigger point. In addition to the immediate location, trigger points frequently radiate pain to other parts of the body.

Trigger point pain can range from a strong, throbbing pain to mild discomfort. Trigger points impair a muscle’s ability to move in its whole, resulting in spasms and weakening. Soft tissue trigger points develop as a result of overuse, injury, imbalance, or recovery from surgery.

Through focused pressure and release, the technique of “trigger pointing” is used to reduce pain. Somatologists’ thumbs or particular trigger-pointing tools are used for trigger-pointing. Direct pressure is applied to trigger points during trigger pointing.

The trigger-pointing approach disrupts the pain cycle that has maintained a muscle area constricted over time. Muscle fibres are relaxed and an area’s circulation is improved by trigger pointing.

In many situations, trigger pointing is useful. These conditions include:

  • Acute Pain /Long-Term Pain
  • Tensed muscles

Acute discomfort experienced in the soft tissues can be treated with trigger point therapy. Acute pain can range from brief, mild discomfort to severe agony that persists for weeks or months. Pain that is acute does not last more than six months. A typical cause of sudden, severe physical aches and pains is trigger points. Back pain, neck pain, and headaches are just a few of the ailments that trigger points can make worse.

In addition to causing pain where muscle knots are present, trigger points can also refer to discomfort in other parts of the body. The pain caused by trigger points can be reduced by using the trigger-pointing massage technique, directly stopping blood flow to an area with a trigger point results in cellular death. The body registers cellular death when pressure is lifted, and fresh, oxygenated blood is then supplied to the area.

Chronic pain is treated using trigger-pointing. Chronic pain is characterized as pain that lasts more than 3 to 6 months. Irritable muscle trigger points that cannot be alleviated might lead to chronic pain. Other signs of persistent pain include stiffness, tingling, and muscle weakness. Additionally, sleep issues are frequently linked to it. By interrupting the cycle of pain, trigger pointing can aid in the treatment of trigger points.

By directly stretching the trigger points and knotted fibres, trigger pointing aids in ending the cycle that has kept a muscle tensed and encourages relaxation. Additionally, trigger-pointing improves circulation, which is constrained by tangled fibres. Additionally, the increased circulation makes it possible to provide nutrients and oxygen to the area.

Additionally, trigger pointing helps ease tense muscles. Localized tightness or a tightening of an entire muscle group can be brought on by trigger points. Tight muscles can make it difficult to move around a joint and increase pain. By triggering autogenic inhibition, trigger pointing can ease tension. The reflex reaction to too much tension in the muscle fibres it supplies is autogenic inhibition. Maximum relaxation occurs after maximum contraction, which encourages the release of tension and pain.

What physical impact does trigger pointing have?

Numerous significant physiological impacts that massage can have on the body. The following are some physiological impacts of trigger pointing:

  • increasing blood flow
  • removing waste materials
  • removing scar tissue and

Trigger pointing encourages an increase in local blood flow. By applying pressure to a specific region, trigger pointing increases blood flow to the area and decreases the amount of oxygen in the cells. Cell death occurs when cells are denied oxygen. An inflammatory reaction is the body’s way of combating cellular death. An inflammatory response widens blood arteries, increasing the amount of blood that can flow through a region.

Additionally, trigger-pointing facilitates the elimination of waste from the muscles. By exerting pressure on the soft tissues, trigger pointing wilfully blocks the blood vessels. Blood that has been oxygenated is transported to the muscles when pressure is relaxed. Fresh blood helps injured tissues repair.

In the soft tissues, trigger pointing can aid in removing adhesions and scar tissue. Scar tissue and adhesions develop throughout the healing process. Scar tissue and adhesions are stiff and impede movement. The temperature of the tissues rises as a result of trigger pointing. The tissues may loosen and move more as a result of an increase in temperature. The tissue fibres may be damaged and realigned into their usual shape by the pressure of trigger pointing.

Frequently treated bodily parts via trigger pointing

Trigger pointing can be used to treat a variety of common body parts. Trigger pointing frequently involves the following body parts:

  • The rear of the shoulder
  • Reduced back
  • Buttock \thigh \calf
  • In order to lessen pain and dissolve adhesions, trigger pointing can also be used on other parts of the body.



Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid. It’s well-known for reducing acne by exfoliating the skin and keeping pores clear.

You can find salicylic acid in various over-the-counter (OTC) products. It’s also available in prescription-strength formulas.

Salicylic acid works best for mild acne (blackheads and whiteheads). It can also help prevent future breakouts.

Keep reading to learn how salicylic acid helps to clear acne, what form and dosage to use, and what potential side effects to be aware of.

How does salicylic acid work on acne?

When your hair follicles (pores) get plugged with dead skin cells and oil, blackheads (open plugged pores), whiteheads (closed plugged pores), or pimples (pustules) often appear.

Salicylic acid penetrates your skin and works to dissolve the dead skin cells clogging your pores. It can take several weeks of use for you to see its full effect. Check with your dermatologist if you aren’t seeing results after 6 weeks Trusted Source.

Products with higher concentrations of salicylic acid may be used as exfoliants

Salicylic acid is also used in higher concentrations as a peeling agent for the treatment of:

  • acne
  • acne scars
  • age spots
  • melasma

Does salicylic acid have any side effects?

Although salicylic acid is considered safe overall, it may cause skin irritation when first starting. It may also remove too much oil, resulting in dryness and potential irritation.

Other potential side effects include Trusted Source:

  • skin tingling or stinging
  • itching
  • peeling skin
  • hives

Precautions to be aware of before using salicylic acid

Even though salicylic acid is available in OTC products you can pick up at your local grocery store, you should talk with your doctor before using it. Considerations to discuss include:

Allergies: Let your doctor know if you’ve experienced allergic reactions to salicylic acid or other topical medications before.

Use in children: Children may be at more risk of skin irritation. Speak with a doctor before your child starts using salicylic acid products.

Drug interactions: Certain medications do not interact well with salicylic acid. Let your doctor know what medications you’re currently taking.

You should also tell a doctor if you have any of the following medical conditions, as these may affect their decision to prescribe salicylic acid:

  • liver disease
  • kidney disease
  • blood vessel disease
  • diabetes
  • chickenpox (varicella)
  • flu (influenza)

Salicylic acid toxicity

Salicylic acid toxicity is rare, but it can occur from the topical application of salicylic acid. To reduce your risk, follow these recommendations:

  • do not apply salicylic acid products to large areas of your body
  • do not use it for long periods of time
  • do not use it under air-tight dressings, such as plastic wrap

Immediately stop using salicylic acid and see your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms or signs:

  • lethargy
  • headache
  • confusion
  • ringing or buzzing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • hearing loss
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • increase in breathing depth (hyperpnea)


How does slimming with G5 work?

G5 slimming refers to the use of a particular equipment to apply a rhythmic massage technique. This device, which tightens by vibrating quickly, also gets rid of cellulite. One of the most popular techniques for spot slimming is this one. Intractable cellulite is frequently treated with G5 massage techniques. Over time, lactic acid builds up in the muscles. Edema and spasms are successfully treated with this therapy on a regular basis.


Cellulite is the term used to describe the buildup of edema between the skin and adipose tissue. The bodily fluid that gives blood its fluidity seeps out of the veins. In this instance, slimming with G5 produces long-lasting results. Cellulite is typically brought on by:

  • circulatory problems caused by several factors,
  • decrease in the factors that give skin its suppleness,
  • excessive coffee and chocolate consumption
  • pregnant women’s cellulite,
  • Due to inactivity, cellulite.

G5 massage is a technique that is commonly employed, particularly in the treatment of cellulite. It offers you a therapeutic experience in many different locations. Problem regions are addressed with the G5 special gadget, which uses rhythmic vibrational movements. It is one of the best ways to quickly get rid of cellulite while also making the body tighter. Because it has a pushing force, it also aids in toning the body. The procedure simultaneously opens up the local connective tissues and speeds up fat burning.

With the aid of G5 massage, cellulite that cannot be erased with the aid of a healthy diet and exercise is quickly removed from the body. Furthermore, throughout this treatment, no surgical intervention is needed. One of the most popular cellulite treatments is a massage that is given simultaneously to the entire body. Hips, arms, and upper legs all lose weight when using the G5. A specialist physician must submit the application. During application, a specific cream is put on the area.

The area can also be treated with cold lipolysis or needle lipolysis if the expert doctor feels it appropriate. This improves the procedure’s durability and impact. Techniques for body lifting and drainage are frequently used in conjunction with the treatment. The application process takes about 30 minutes. There are a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 sessions for the massage. As a result, a minimum of 7 cm of weight loss is made.

How does the G5 slim down?

I’m curious as to why the process is referred to as GS massage. The massage technique has been given the moniker G5 since the instrument utilized during the application has the same name. When cellulite therapy is mentioned, this massage technique has long been the first that comes to mind.

Another well-known application of G5 massage is spot slimming. The massage technique, which has significant advantages, enables you to When using the massage technique, which has several advantages, you may feel some localized tightening.

G5 massage can be used easily in regions where you experience localized complaints since it promotes tightening after application. Experts also administer G5 for weight loss to patients who have complained about edema. Spasms are also actively treated with this therapeutic technique. This type of massage regulates local circulation while accelerating fat burning. It aids in accelerating metabolism.

Having healthy blood circulation is also beneficial during treatment. Fatigue and muscle issues also vanish following the G5 massage.

Why is G5 preferred for slimming?

G5 massage effectively reduces fatigue complaints in addition to removing extra fat and edema from the body by vibrating it. In terms of spot slimming, the procedure produces satisfactory effects. The procedure increases blood flow, which gets rid of wrinkles on the skin.

By reducing body fat, the procedure helps to prevent the development of cellulite. The G5 slimming massage treatment stands out as one that can produce good effects quickly and poses no health hazards.

What benefits does dieting with G5 offer?

The following is a list of benefits of G5 massage for weight loss:

  • It not only stops cellulite from forming, but it also gets rid of any cellulite that already exists.
  • The procedure strengthens the muscles while also accelerating blood circulation.
  • The procedure actively contributes to the reduction of chronic muscle discomfort and spasms.
  • The procedure tightens the skin while giving it suppleness.
  • The procedure causes the body to tighten in the ideal dimensions.
  • The medication works well to quicken metabolism.
  • Chronic tiredness is relieved by the therapy.
  • The therapy controls the flow of blood.
  • Toxins are removed from the body as part of the treatment.
  • The therapy encourages the growth of joints and muscles’ mobility.
  • The procedure speeds up fat burning.
  • Local slimming is provided by the procedure.

The procedure is successful in reducing cellulite in addition to helping people trim it down. The amount of lactic acid that builds up in the muscles is greatly reduced by employing the slimming approach with G5.

With this massage technique, all regions where extra fat collects restore their regular appearance.



Dermarolling is a procedure in which fine needles are used to create microscopic channels in the skin. Your health and skincare therapist/somatologist or aesthetician will use a roller, derma-stamp, or an automated pen to puncture the skin and create channels in the skin. This procedure stimulates collagen production, resulting in a more youthful appearance, tighter skin, and an even distribution of expression lines on your face.

Dermarolling works by stimulating collagen production in the skin. The procedure’s pinpricks cause minor skin injury, and the skin responds by producing new collagen-rich tissue.

The tone and texture of this new skin tissue are more even. Collagen loss is common with age or injury to the skin. Additional collagen may help firm the skin by encouraging the skin to produce new tissue.

This procedure is also the most effective procedure for product penetration; products can easily penetrate the skin due to the channels created on the skin.   It can be used on almost any part of the body and helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks.

Dermarolling has grown in popularity due to its growing list of advantages. It is said to rejuvenate and plump the skin with minimal discomfort and downtime, and it can be tailored to each individual’s needs.

Dermarolling may help with issues like:

  • Acne
  • Hair loss (also called alopecia)
  • Dark spots or patches on your skin (hyperpigmentation)
  • Large pores
  • Reduced skin elasticity
  • Scars
  • Stretch marks
  • Sun damage
  • Fine lines and wrinkles

The following are some of the advantages of dermarolling:

  • scar reduction, including acne scar reduction
  • minimizing the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles
  • minimizing enlarged pores
  • minimizing the appearance of hyperpigmentation (dark spots)
  • evening out uneven skin tone
  • enhancing skin elasticity
  • reducing the visibility of stretch marks
  • reducing the visibility of scars
  • promoting hair growth in alopecia patients


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